
Shelter me by Circumference

Producer / 2014 – Sept 2015

Circumference are a contemporary circus collective formed in 2014. Creating work with interactive acrobatic journeys for audiences where performance, installation and experience meet. Their debut show, Shelter me, ran for seven weeks at Theatre Delicatessen in London and featured an international line up of circus, visual and audio artists. The show took place across the seven storey former Guardian building in Farringdon making use of the basement, service lift, fifth floor and roof. Audiences journeyed through the building experiencing circus work, installations and headphone interactions.

“The city twinkles below; the moon hangs in the sky above; the performers soar like human birds, strong and fearless… Their trust in each other is supreme… It’s encouraging to see a company really considering the form of a circus show and not just its acrobatic content. Along with a growing number of other young UK–based companies, Circumference suggest that circus is taking flight.” The Guardian

“Immersive circus from a young company that dazzles with promise… hugely ambitious piece” The Stage

Jake was the producer for Circumference working closely with the company to realise Shelter me securing a sustainable Arts Council England grant and saw the run sell out. / @circumferenceuk